MEDIUM: USB webcam
DIMENSION: 80 x 80 x 40 in
This sound installation is part of my exploration of voidness, haptics, and in/deflation. The sound is generated from my oral diary and recordings of my breath through the machine learning model from RAVE (Realtime Audio Variational autoEncoder) and the nn~ (a MaxMSP external for real-time AI audio processing).
As my hand touches to the left, the machine attempts to mimic my words, inflating its database but deflating the meaning of my trauma and memories. As my hand touches to the right, the machine doesn't understand how to breathe.
What does it mean when words become meaningless, and the sounds of inhale and exhale are pronounced in words? When does the voidness of trauma occur during the process of encoding and decoding? What am I touching? Can trauma or memories ever be touched?